Thursday, November 28, 2019

Macbeth Tragedy Or Satire Essays - Characters In Macbeth

Macbeth: Tragedy or Satire? Macbeth: Tragedy or Satire? William Shakespeare wrote four great tragedies, the last of which was written in 1606 and titled Macbeth. This "tragedy", as it is considered by societal critics of yesterday's literary world, scrutinizes the evil dimension of conflict, offering a dark and gloomy atmosphere of a world dominated by the powers ofdarkness. Macbeth, more so than any of Shakespeare's other tragic protagonists, has to face the powers and decide: should he succumb or should he resist? Macbeth understands the reasons for resisting evil and yet he proceeds with a disastrous plan, instigated by the prophecies of the three Weird Sisters. Thus we must ask the question: If Macbeth is acting on the impulses stimulated by the prophecies of his fate, is this Shakespearean work of art really a Tragedy? Aristotle, one of the greatest men in the history of human thought, interpreted Tragedy as a genre aimed to present a heightened and harmonious imitation of nature, and, in particular, those aspects of nature that touch most closely upon human life. This I think Macbeth attains. However, Aristotle adds a few conditions. According to Aristotle, a tragedy must have six parts: plot, character, diction, thought, spectacle, and song. Most important is the plot, the structure of the incidents. Tragedy is not an imitation of men, but of action and life. It is by men's actions that they acquire happiness or sadness. Aristotle stated, in response to Plato, that tragedy produces a healthful effect on the human character through a katharsis, a "proper purgation" of "pity and terror." A successful tragedy, then, exploits and appeals at the start to two basic emotions: fear and pity. Tragedy deals with the element of evil, with what we least want and most fear to face, and with what is destructive to human life and values. It also draws out our ability to sympathize with the tragic character, feeling some of the impact of the evil ourselves. Does Macbeth succeed at this level? Can the reader feel pity and terror for Macbeth? Or does the reader feel that Macbeth himself is merely a branch from the root of all evil and not the poor, forsaken, fate-sunken man, according to Aristotle's idea of tragedy, he is supposed to portray? Can the reader "purge" his emotions of pity and fear by placing himself in the chains of fate Macbeth has been imprisoned in? Or does he feel the power and greed upon which Macbeth thrives, prospers, and finally falls? I believe the latter is the more likely reaction, and that the reader sees Macbeth as a bad guy, feeling little or no pity for him. Aristotle also insists that the main character of a tragedy must have a "tragic flaw." Most tragedies fail, according to Aristotle, due to the rendering of character. To allow the character to simply be a victim of unpredictable and undeserved calamities would violate the complete, self- contained unity of action in the tragedy. If that is so, and if we assume that the group of three witches is a realistic possibility, then is not Macbeth such a victim? Does he really deserve the misfortune that is brought him by his fortune? After all, Macbeth is introduced to the reader as an honest and humble leader. His fate, once having been revealed to him, drives him to greed, elevates his lust for power, and coins a conceited and misguided trust in his seemingly eternal mortality. Diction, the expression of the meaning in words, is near perfect in Macbeth, simply because it is written by William Shakespeare, the inventor of perfect diction. Thought--the task of saying what is possible and pertinent in the circumstances of the play--can not be disputed. Spectacle and Song are the effects that highlight the play, and are pertinent in providing an emotional attraction. Such elements are easily found in Shakespeare. Macbeth is written with the style and grace that only Shakespeare could provide. Thus, these elements of tragic drama can not be challenged in this argument. While we need to consider that Macbeth strives on power, and in doing so loses his values of humility and humanity, it should not be forgotten that Macbeth does, at certain times, feel remorse for things he has done. In Act 2, Scene 2, Macbeth confides in Lady Macbeth after the murder of Duncan: But wherefore could not I pronounce "Amen"? I had most need of blessing, and "Amen" Stuck in my throat. and: Methought I heard a voice cry "Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep," the innocent sleep, Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care, The death of

Monday, November 25, 2019

Guide to Writing an Argumentative Essay in Economics Ultimate Helper

Guide to Writing an Argumentative Essay in Economics Ultimate Helper What is an Argumentative Essay in Economics? The argumentative essay is a piece of writing that requires you to conduct thorough research on a particular topic and then present a clear position regarding this topic, while backing it with enough supporting evidence. The main aim of the argumentative essay is to convince the target audience to agree with your idea or opinion. However, it is of vital importance to support your viewpoint using research-based evidence as it is a fundamental component of this type of essay. What is more, you can choose from a variety of fields to write your argumentative essay. One of such fields that incorporates a wide range of topics to choose from is economics. At the same time, argumentative essays in economics tend to cover various topics and concepts. In order to write an excellent argumentative essay in economics, you should specifically present your own standpoint regarding a given issue. Choosing a Topic for an Argumentative Essay in Economics First of all, before starting working on an essay in economics, you should choose the topic that you are passionate about. By doing so, you will be able to provide well-developed arguments on a given matter. At the same time, the area of economics incorporates an enormous amount of concepts and topics that could be chosen for an essay. Thus, in order to facilitate the process of choosing the topic, you have to narrow down the broadness of the topic and focus on particular sides of it. This could be done by directly approaching your instructor and asking what topic should or can be covered. However, sometimes you will not be assigned to any topic, and you will have to come up with your own. In such cases, it is advised to choose such a topic that covers an important economic issue and can be thoroughly researched. What is more, by conducting research, you will gain a deep insight into the topic, which will enable you to examine it from various perspectives. Lastly, you will be able to choose the most compelling argument for your essay. Undoubtedly, the area of economics encompasses a huge variety of theories, concepts, and issues. Generally speaking, topics in economics could be divided into three distinctive types: The first one concerns describing and explaining fundamental economic theories. The second type of topics relates to researching and analyzing a particular economic issue or case study. The last type is comprised of topics that tend to test certain economic models in practice. Taking into consideration the aforementioned types, you can focus on one particular group of topics to come up with the most suitable topic. It is also recommended to cover such topics that relate to the current issues in the world economy. Keep in mind that in most cases, such topics have a better chance to appeal to the reading audience. The examples of topics for your argumentative essay in economics could be the following: Advantages and Disadvantages of Cost-Benefit Analysis; The Gender Wage Gap in the USA; 2008 Financial Crisis: Why It Can Happen Again; The Future of The GDP Growth Rate in The US; The Impact of Terroristic Attacks on the Global Economy; The Adoption of Protectionist and Free-Trade Policies; The Role of the Stock Market in Economic Growth; The Absence of Real Wage Growth Despite Strong Productivity Gains; The Profitability of Waste Recycle; The Phenomenon of Housing Bubble and its Impact on the Economy. Pre-Writing Tips Undoubtedly, essay writing is hard. What is more, writing an essay in economics might turn out to be a real challenge. However, in order to facilitate the process of writing, you can follow a set of simple pre-writing tips. In fact, the pre-writing stage starts with a full understanding of the assignment given to you. Usually, you will be assigned with the questions or the topic for your argumentative essay by your instructor. In such cases, you can consult him/her if you feel that you do not fully understand the question. Next, read the question carefully and analyze it. It is critical that you fully comprehend what you are being asked and try to keep it in your mind throughout. Then, select the most essential point from the question and underline it. In most cases, you will find this point to be the main foundation for your argument. In addition, consider the fact that you have to write an argumentative essay, meaning that you should present your perspective and viewpoint on the gi ven matter while trying to convince the reading audience with the validity of your arguments. Next, after you decided on your topic and understood the assignment, it is essential that you do thorough research in order to gain enough supporting evidence for your claims. Simply stating something does not make it a fact, so make sure that you have enough specific data and statistics to back your arguments. In order to find supporting evidence, consult any reading lists and economics books you have. If you struggle to find any reading material, you can always ask your instructor. Besides, you can always surf the Internet in order to find material for your essay. For example, you can search through various scientific databases such as Google Scholar, ScienceDirect, DOAJ, and many others to find articles in economics which you can use in your essay. The more scientific evidence you have, the better your argumentative essay will be. Then, based on your argument, you can develop your thesis statement. Doing it before writing the essay itself will help you structure the body of your essay easier. After thinking about the question and doing enough research, you can outline your essay. By planning your essay, you will stay focused on your key points while your essay will have a logical and clear flow. After structuring your essay, make sure to appropriately allocate your time. By doing so, you will not have to write all the essay right before the deadline. It is much easier to divide the process of writing into separate parts that can be done individually. As a result, you will be able to write an excellent argumentative essay in economics. Structure of an Argumentative Essay in Economics An argumentative essay has the same features as the other types of essay, and it complies with the standard form of an academic essay. As a result, your argumentative economic essay should have three main parts: introduction, main body, and conclusion. In most cases, the argumentative essay can be written using five-paragraph approach. However, in case you are writing a longer essay, it is advised to divide the main body into different sections. Given the word limit, you should allocate yourself a rough number of words for each section as it will help you during your writing process. Introduction The introductory paragraph of your argumentative essay in economics should contain a clear outline of your main argument. What is more, in this paragraph, you should introduce the audience a particular issue in such a way that will captivate their attention. Thus, in order to grab the readers attention, you can use hook sentences that will keep them reading. For example, if you are writing about the 2008 Financial Crisis, you should introduce an issue in such a way that it was not done before you. On the contrary, you can make a controversial argument regarding the topic. That way, you will be able to appeal to the reader while making sure to convince him or her to agree with your standpoint. Do not forget that the main task of an argumentative essay is to persuade someone. At the same time, the most important part of the introduction is definitely a thesis statement. In most cases, a thesis statement will occur at the end of your introductory paragraph. Make sure to write a clear, concise, and defined thesis as it serves as a guide for your essay. In addition, it should state your position on the particular issue while the main body paragraphs of your essay contain research-based information to support your claims. For instance, lets look at the following thesis statement: ‘Thus, I think, there is a possibility that the 2008 financial crisis can reoccur’. Such a thesis statement is too generic and does not contain any supporting evidence for your argument. On the contrary, the following example can be used in your economics argumentative paper: ‘Despite the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department efforts to stabilize the financial state after the 2008 financial crisis, the global economic recession can reoccur due to the ineffective work of the U.S. government and tense relations between the countries around the globe.’ Such a thesis statement contains supporting claims for the argument. What is more, it clearly indicates the structure of your essay as each of the claims can be discussed in separate body paragraphs. Therefore, such a thesis statement can serve as an example for the argumentative essay in economics. Body Paragraphs The body of your essay is where you will illustrate your argument backed with the supporting evidence. It is essential that each body paragraph contains only one main idea. If you mix several ideas in one paragraph, it will definitely worsen the reading experience. At the same time, try to begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that outlines what the paragraph will cover. Most importantly, each of the paragraph opening sentences should be supported by the evidence that you gathered during your research on the topic. Make sure that you use only relevant information from credible sources. Besides, do not forget to cite properly. However, you should explain why your audience should agree with you. Make your argument even stronger by stating opposing points of view and refuting those points. Argumentative essays usually consider different points of view regarding a particular issue. In most cases, you should provide one or more opposing views on the topic in order to convince the reader. Try to acknowledge other standpoints and refute them with facts, quotes, or simply logic. By examining the issue from various viewpoints, you will be guaranteed to write a more appealing economics argumentative essay. Conclusion In general, the conclusion paragraph summarizes everything that was written in your essay. The most distinctive feature is that in the conclusive paragraph, you should restate your thesis in the first sentence. By doing so, you will show the audience that you have definitely proven your argument because when information is presented to an audience with confidence, people are inclined to believe that something is, in fact, true and they agree with it. Additionally, in this paragraph, you should briefly summarize and synthesize the information presented in your whole essay. However, be careful and do not introduce any new information in the conclusion paragraph. What is more, the conclusion is the last instance where you can assure the audience to agree with your point of view. Thus, try to restate why the topic is important and why your argument is better than the others by reviewing the main claims presented in the body paragraphs. In addition, you can include a short discussion for further research on the given topic. Post-Writing Tips Once you have written your argumentative economics essay, you have to start proofreading and revising your essay for any grammar, punctuation, or stylistic errors. Be sure to properly cite all the sources that you have used in your essay and place them in the alphabetical order. What is more, do not forget to check whether all the sources are academic and credible. However, you have to know the difference between proofreading and revising. Proofreading involves you making any corrections, typos, or grammar or spelling errors. In general, the process of proofreading is done only on the sentence level. At the same time, revising requires you to make any improvements to all the aspects of the essay, starting from the thesis and finishing with the conclusion. Usually, revising involves making major changes to the essay. What is more, while revising your essay, try to analyze all the components of the paper. Check whether your thesis statement has a compelling argument. Then, make sure that you have addressed all the claims in the thesis in the following body paragraphs. Finally, evaluate the cohesiveness and flow of your essay. A good idea will be to read your essay aloud. By doing so, you will immediately hear what needs to be changed. All in all, these tips will help you in writing such an argumentative essay in economics that will impress your reading audience.â€Æ' â€Å"Argumentative Essays†. Purdue Writing Lab, Kearney, Virginia. â€Å"How To Write An Argumentative Essay Step By Step†. Owlcation, 2019, â€Å"Prewriting And Outlining†. Umuc.Edu,

Thursday, November 21, 2019

BNSF Railway Transportation Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

BNSF Railway Transportation - Article Example The services offered by the industry are bulk freight, intermodal services, passenger services and switching and terminal railroad services (IBISWorld, 2011). According to statistics from the U.S. Department of Transportation, freight shipments have increased from 27% of the ton-miles of U.S. freight in 1980 to 38% in 2005 (Laurits R. Christensen Associates, Inc., 2009). This increase shows the growing significance of the role of railways in the U.S. economy. Among the cargo being shipped through the railroads, coal represents the largest proportion in terms of tons (Laurits R. Christensen Associates, Inc., 2009). Other commodities transported by railroads include chemicals, farm products, non-metallic minerals and miscellaneous mixed shipments. Over the years, the railway industry has experienced consolidations that have reduced the number of Class I from about 40 railways to the current seven. The seven major players in the railway industry are Union Pacific Corporation (UP), Burli ngton Northern Santa Fe Corporation (BNSF), CSX Corporation, Kansas City Southern (KCS), Canadian National Railway (CN), Canadian Pacific Railway (CP) and Norfolk Southern Corporation (NS). In terms of operating revenues of the major North American railroad, the Union Pacific posted the highest revenue with $15.5 million. It is followed by BNSF with operating revenue of $14.8 million, NS with $9.4 million, CSX with $8.6 million, CN with $6.8 million, CP with $4.1 million and KCS with $0.87 million (Association of American Railroads, 2008) . Porter’s Five Forces Like any other industry, the railway industry is influenced by Porter’s five forces model which shape the strategies of companies, as shown in Figure 1 (Porter, 2008). The first force identified by Porter is the threat of new entrants. This force is the possibility of new companies entering the industry. This force is not very influential in the strategy of a company in the railway industry because of several ba rriers to entry. The barriers to entry in the railroad industry are (1) huge capital requirement needed; (2) restrictive government policy which is being regulated by the Surface Transportation Board; and (3) the availability of the infrastructure needed to compete with existing ones. In the future, it is expected that mergers will continue in the future and may even reduce the present seven companies to two transcontinental railroads because of the uncertainty of the structure of the railroad industry (IRS, 2007). Fig. 1 Porter’s Five Forces Model The second force identified by Porter is the bargaining power of suppliers. Suppliers of the railway industry include the manufacturers of tracks, railway equipment, structural metal products, freight cars, locomotives and construction companies who build the tunnels and bridges. Investors in railway companies can be considered as suppliers of the much needed financing to improve the industry. Recently, billionaire Warren Buffet in vested in BNSF by buying it for $26 billion while Microsoft’s Bill Gates now owns 10% of CN railway. Investment of these two prominent personalities says much of the future of the railway industry (North America's Corridor Coalition, Inc., 2010). To illustrate clearly, the supplier power according to Porter includes (1) charging of high prices; (2) limiting the quality of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Effects of Emissions from Unburned Hydrocarbons under Cold Start Term Paper

Effects of Emissions from Unburned Hydrocarbons under Cold Start - Term Paper Example The present research seeks to critically investigate the potential effects of emissions from unburned hydrocarbons under cold start. Emissions from unburned hydrocarbons under cold start are a serious problem in many diesel and gasoline automotive engines that is generally characterized by generation excessive extra emissions of pollutants. The problem particularly occurs in the initial few minutes of starting an engine when it still cold and has not achieved its optimal operating temperature, thereby resulting in inefficient and incomplete combustion. A cold start is common, as weather conditions in most climates will naturally be at a lower temperature than the typical operating temperatures of an engine. Additionally, extra emissions related to cold start may also occur when one ignites the engine of an abandoned or inactive vehicle for a significant amount of time (Raja and Arasu, 2014). While a number of previous studies have focused on the phenomenon of the extra emissions related to the conditions of cold start, little is known about the, magnitude of its potential effects. In the event of cold start, the engine compression is higher as the lack of heat makes ignition more difficult. Secondly the low temperatures cause engine oil to become more viscous, making it difficult to circulate. Similarly, the air becomes denser and affects the air-fuel ratio, which in turn affects the flammability of the mixture.

Monday, November 18, 2019

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (Facility Design) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (Facility Design) - Essay Example Another consideration to keep in mind in facility design is the management of equipment replacement or its maintenance to comply with business continuity plans (Meyers & Stephens, 2004). There are instances where facility design also includes working with the landscape of the infrastructure to maximize the space. This is mostly true in facilities where the cost of real estate or usable space is expensive however, business operations and logistics consideration mandate that they work within the infrastructure. From a management perspective facility designs should provide operational efficiencies that would assure more production output. The facility design of a printing and enveloping facility of a billing service company will be examined. The primary focus of the analysis is to ensure that wastage in terms of time and product routing are not only exposed but quantified. However, health and safety factors including business continuity considerations will also be taken into considerati ons to ensure that the optimum design is being followed or not. The flexibility of the components of the facility will also be examined to determine their efficacy when it comes to their function. Attached is the rough drawing of the facility design using blocks to represent the major equipment in the facility. Given the nature of their business, the company name and location will be kept confidential for security reasons. Printing and Enveloping Facility loading area for bills for delivery and loading area for raw materials Postal Area Segregation Section Paper Cooling and Staging area for enveloping Print Paper and Envelop storage area. Evaluation and Analysis After the processing of the image of the bill in the computer, the generated file will be printed using the high speed laser printers. After the bill has been printed the bill forms will be staged and cooled at room temperature to prevent warping at the inserting machine. Once cooled the inserting machines will cut and fold the bills and put them into envelops together with promotional inserts if there are any. The inserted bill will then be segregated by their area to determine the amount of their postage. The posting machines will then mark each bill for postage. The segregation process will also segregate the bills that are faster and cheaper to deliver through a delivery service. The rest of the bills will be sent through regular postal mail service. The bills generated through this process are the customers of the clients of the mailing service that opted for printed bills instead of email or electronic bills. The areas to consider in the analysis of the facility design are the materials used and how they are affected by each of the process. An example of this is how the papers are heated by the printing process which makes it very pliant. This makes it difficult to cut and fold the bills for it to be properly inserted in envelops. Since this is a real concern it makes sense for air conditioners t o cool the staging area after printing before they are inserted into the enveloping machines as indicated in the facility design. There are only two printers as against three inserting machines since the printer is much faster than the enveloping machines. The printers also generate a lot of heat that it makes sense to have more air coolers in

Friday, November 15, 2019

Multiprogramming And Time Sharing

Multiprogramming And Time Sharing In a multiprogramming and time sharing environment, several users share the system simultaneously. This situation can result in various security problems. What are two such problems? Ans1. (a) In Multiprogramming and time sharing environment multiple users share the data and system so these are following two problems which might occur There can be the case of pilfering of data, which can result in various problems. It means after gaining illegal access in somebody system and thieving the data is a problem One more problem can be, no proper accounting of resources, it means if somebody is using the resource without maintaining proper accounting data, is a serious problem. Can we ensure the same degree of security in a time shared machine as in a dedicated machine? Explain your answer. Ans1. (b) We cannot assure same level of security as it is presented in dedicated machine. Because in time sharing environment, multiple users are accessing the system, so it is somewhat difficult to implement because if we are planning to use a high-level encryption for the sharing environment, than it will be difficult to implement that security. Each and every security system made by human can be broken by another human. Under what circumstances would a user be better off using a time sharing system rather than a PC or single user workstation? Ans2. There are two types of basic working environments Time sharing environment Dedicated resource environment In time sharing environment, multiple users are sharing the system and resources and this type of environment is useful when the tasks which are to performed are big or large and hardware resources are fast efficient. The full power of the resources can be consumed for the user problems. Dedicated environment is useful when the tasks which are to be performed are small level. This environment is preferred when hardware resources are sufficient to handle the users problem. In the designing of the operating system there are two approaches modular kernel and layered approach? How are they different? Ans3. Both modular kernel and layered approach are the approaches of the designing of the architecture of operating system. Layered Approach: Layered approach follows the concept of design in the form of different layers. In this the operating system is divided into layers in which core layer is hardware resources and the topmost layer is User-Interface. The layers which are in-between interact with the layer below it and finish the tasks. In this all the subsystems are to be executed in strict order. Modular Kernel Approach: This approach divides the operating system designing into modules of various levels. Like for e.g. in modules various different fields like booting, process, jobs, etc are divided and they run their modules in random manner. In a single module a group of various tasks are specified. Difference between both these designs is that layered approach imposes strict ordering of other layers; lower layers are not allowed to invoke operations corresponding to upper layer operations, whereas in the case of modular approach various modules can invoke each other without any constraint. Part B There is guest operating system and a host operating system like VMware? List all the factors in choosing the host operating system? Ans4. The factors which affect the selection of host operating system are: The host operating system should be of upgraded version which you are using as using as guest operating system. Hardware resources get shared in case of guest operating system, so care must be taken off. Because if the resources scarcity occurs both the OS will hang. Operating system used must be stable. It more depends upon security and speed. The kernel is responsible for a action with the processes. Search through the action of kernel and describe what the action is? Ans5. Kernel is known as the heart of the Operating System. Kernel is the main task handler of the OS. It represents as a bridge between applications and the data processing which is performed at hardware level. The actions of Kernel are : Kernel sets up an address space for the program, loads the files containing the programs code into memory and executes it. Multi-tasking kernels are able to give the user the virtual view that the number of processes running simultaneously is higher than the maximum number of processes the computer is actually running. Kernel uses scheduling algorithms to determine which process is running next and how much time it will be given. The algorithm chosen may allow for some processes to have higher priority than others. The kernel generally also provides these processes a way to communicate; this is known as inter-process communication. Kernel is responsible for communicating the hardware resources with the software components. Co-operative multitasking, where each process is allowed to run uninterrupted until it makes a special request that tells the kernel it may switch to another process. Such requests are known as yielding. Q6. Considering both the system level and the programmer level. Consider the advantage and disadvantage of the following structure. Synchronous and asynchronous communication. Ans (a) Synchronous communication is direct communication. In which the communication is time synchronized. It means all the users are involved in the communication are present at the same time. Asynchronous communication does not require that all the users involved in the communication should be present at the same time. For e.g. e-mails, blogging. Asynchronous is useful when the communication is done at far scale means online. Automatic and explicit buffering. Ans (b) Automatic buffering provides a queue which of infinite length, which will never block the user while waiting to perform a task. Disadvantage: In this large amount of memory space is wasted while allocation. Explicit Buffering asks explicitly that how much memory must be allocated as the available queue. In this user can be blocked while it is performing some task Advantage: Less Memory space will be wasted with explicit buffering. Send by copy and send by reference Ans (c) Send by copy, in this type of method original value of the variable is never changed throughout the program or task. Whereas in the case of send by reference, address of the original variable is passed and any changes made in the reference value will be reflected in the original value. Fixed-sized and variable-sized messages. Ans (e) This concept is used at the time of allocation of space of the buffers. In fixed-sized, fix amount of memory is allocated to buffer which will create a problem at the time of memory allocation and forms a memory blockage. Because it can hold limited number of tasks/messages only. Whereas in variable sized the buffer memory can be reallocated and resized at any place. In this the buffer-size is not pre-known.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Works of T.S. Eliot and Yulisa Amadu Maddy :: T.S. Eliot Essays

Love of Life and Fear of Death in the Works of T.S. Eliot and Yulisa Amadu Maddy Both T.S. Eliot and Yulisa Amadu Maddy have experienced difficulty and hardship in life. Eliot lived through two world wars and Maddy struggled with oppression and poverty growing up in his homeland of Sierra Leone. These life experiences are reflected in their writing. Both of these writers present the reader with the concept of human mortality in such a way that not only is the fear of death prevalent in their work, but also the love of life. Mortal loss was more than just a threat at the time T.S. Eliot wrote The Waste Land. Written in the years following the "Great War", today known as World War I, the destruction and the loss of human life was a very real concept for T.S. Eliot and the rest of the world. When people were shown just how impermanent human life was, they placed a higher value on living. As transient examples, Eliot cites great and powerful cities of the past such as Jerusalem, Athens, and Alexandria to exemplify the impermanent nature of life. In the same way that a person will eventually die, Eliot says that all great cities will crumble. This mentality suggests that death is an all-powerful force that cannot be escaped by anyone or anything. When this life lesson is accepted, the readers are left feeling helpless to control their own paths of life. The fragmented style in which the poem is written leaves the reader feeling lost and vulnerable. The poem leaps from scene to scene and even from language to language. Although the actual subject matter of the scenes is unrelated, the same themes appear throughout the poem. Depressing themes such as life without love, instability in life, and the premature end of life are presented to the reader in a way showing how each of the aspects of life, though difficult to accept, are necessary for life to exist. The main theme presented in Eliot’s poem shows that death is a part of life. Eliot points out that until death occurs, rebirth and transformation cannot take place. The concept that death is a necessity is a very difficult concept to accept, leaving the reader disillusioned. The fragmented and disillusioned feelings the reader receives from reading The Waste Land mimics the emotions felt by the world after the war. The recurring sensory images that Eliot uses appeal to the reader’s fear of the loss The Works of T.S. Eliot and Yulisa Amadu Maddy :: T.S. Eliot Essays Love of Life and Fear of Death in the Works of T.S. Eliot and Yulisa Amadu Maddy Both T.S. Eliot and Yulisa Amadu Maddy have experienced difficulty and hardship in life. Eliot lived through two world wars and Maddy struggled with oppression and poverty growing up in his homeland of Sierra Leone. These life experiences are reflected in their writing. Both of these writers present the reader with the concept of human mortality in such a way that not only is the fear of death prevalent in their work, but also the love of life. Mortal loss was more than just a threat at the time T.S. Eliot wrote The Waste Land. Written in the years following the "Great War", today known as World War I, the destruction and the loss of human life was a very real concept for T.S. Eliot and the rest of the world. When people were shown just how impermanent human life was, they placed a higher value on living. As transient examples, Eliot cites great and powerful cities of the past such as Jerusalem, Athens, and Alexandria to exemplify the impermanent nature of life. In the same way that a person will eventually die, Eliot says that all great cities will crumble. This mentality suggests that death is an all-powerful force that cannot be escaped by anyone or anything. When this life lesson is accepted, the readers are left feeling helpless to control their own paths of life. The fragmented style in which the poem is written leaves the reader feeling lost and vulnerable. The poem leaps from scene to scene and even from language to language. Although the actual subject matter of the scenes is unrelated, the same themes appear throughout the poem. Depressing themes such as life without love, instability in life, and the premature end of life are presented to the reader in a way showing how each of the aspects of life, though difficult to accept, are necessary for life to exist. The main theme presented in Eliot’s poem shows that death is a part of life. Eliot points out that until death occurs, rebirth and transformation cannot take place. The concept that death is a necessity is a very difficult concept to accept, leaving the reader disillusioned. The fragmented and disillusioned feelings the reader receives from reading The Waste Land mimics the emotions felt by the world after the war. The recurring sensory images that Eliot uses appeal to the reader’s fear of the loss

Monday, November 11, 2019

Theology essay

Lewis once said, â€Å"l believe In Charlatanry as I believe that the sun has risen not only because I see It, but because by It I see everything else. † I think this Is an extremely insightful quote to live by, especially if you are of the Catholic or Christian faith. I think what Lewis is trying to say is that we all know the sun exists because we see it rise every day, but because of the sun it is possible to see everything else on Earth. This relates back to Christianity because for Lewis he is saying that he can look t life in a different way than some people because he has the faith of God inside him.For example, I know someone who is completely immersed in their Catholic faith and to me they honestly seem to enjoy life every single day. Sure they have some bad days when some things don't go right, but even then they say that God has a reason for what has happened. When I think back to my friend and how they feel about life, and then compare that to my own faith and feel ings, there Is a complete difference. I am not proud to say this but I will: I have lost my faith throughout the years and moieties life Is Just a bleak thing I have to go through some days.After reading this quote I seriously considered how my life would be different if I had full faith in the Lord, and I think it would be more optimistic than how I feel now. There is a show on television called â€Å"19 kids and counting† and they are a very religious family who puts the Lord before anything else. One day while watching the show the older children were talking about a topic and then they proceeded to say how if you can't be happy even with God, how can you be happy without him? This is another statement I believe makes sense and goes along with Lewis' quote.For many, God is the one who lights the path for them to walk, and I really do believe being religious makes a person happier. Some may say that it Is the congregation of people and friends that gather In a church and sh are the same beliefs, but I think It Is the knowing and believing In a higher power always being there and never leaving your side that makes one happier than someone who does not believe in God. Christianity affects one's worldview significantly. A worldview is the framework from which we view reality and make sense of life and the world. [It's] any ideology, philosophy, theology, movement or religion that provides an overarching approach to understanding God, the world and man's relations to God and the world,† says David Nobel, author of Understanding the Times. For example, a 2-year-old is egocentric and believes they're the center of his or her own world, a secular humanist believes that the material world is all that exists, and a Buddhist believes he can be liberated from suffering by self-purification. Someone with a biblical worldview believes their primary reason for existence Is to love and serve God.Whether they know It or not, every person has some type of worldvi ew. A personal worldview Is a combination of all you believe to be true, and what you believe becomes the driving force behind every emotion, decision and action. Therefore, it affects your response to every area of life: from everything. A biblical worldview is based on the Word of God. When you believe the Bible is entirely true, then you allow it to be the foundation of everything you say and o. There is a problem though: nonpolitical worldview ideas bombard us constantly from television, film, music, newspapers, magazines, and books.For example, most Christians would agree with 1 Thessalonians 4:3 and other Scriptures that command us to avoid sexual impurity, but how often do Christians fall into lust or premarital sexual sin? If we don't really believe the truth of God and live it, then our witness will be confusing and misleading. Most of us go through life not recognizing that our personal worldviews have been deeply affected by the world. Through the media and other influenc es, the secularists American view of history, law, politics, science, God and man affects our thinking more than we realize.We then are taken â€Å"captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ† (Colombians 2:8). However, by learning, applying and trusting God's truths in all area of our lives -? whether it's watching a movie, going to school, raising a family or working at the office -? we can egging to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the evil of our culture's nonpolitical ideas (Wordsmith. Mom). If we embrace more of God's worldview and trust it with unquestioning faith, then we begin to make the right decisions and form the appropriate responses to questions on abortion, same-sex marriage, cloning, stem-cell research and even media choices. Because, in the end, it is our decisions and actions that reveal what we really believe. â€Å"Do not conform a ny longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Useful Japanese Adjectives

Useful Japanese Adjectives Here is the list of useful Japanese adjectives and their pronunciations. bigookiiÃ¥ ¤ §Ã£  Ã£ â€ž smallchiisaiÃ¥ ° Ã£ â€¢Ã£ â€ž longnagaié• ·Ã£ â€ž shortmijikaiçŸ ­Ã£ â€ž thick, fatfutoiÃ¥ ¤ ªÃ£ â€ž slender (person)yasetaや㠁›ã Å¸ thinusuièâ€"„㠁„ widehiroiÃ¥ ºÆ'㠁„ narrowsemaiç‹ ­Ã£ â€ž heavyomoié‡ Ã£ â€ž lightkaruiè » ½Ã£ â€ž hightakaié «ËœÃ£ â€ž lowhikuiä ½Å½Ã£ â€ž fasthayai速㠁„ slow, lateosoié â€¦Ã£ â€ž many, muchooiÃ¥ ¤Å¡Ã£ â€ž few, littlesukunaiÃ¥ °â€˜Ã£  ªÃ£ â€ž hardkatai㠁‹ã Å¸Ã£ â€ž softyawarakaiã‚„ã‚ Ã£â€šâ€°Ã£ â€¹Ã£ â€ž deepfukaiæ · ±Ã£ â€ž shallowasaiæ µâ€¦Ã£ â€ž beautifulutsukushiiç ¾Å½Ã£ â€"㠁„ uglyminikuié†Å"㠁„ prettykireina㠁 Ã£â€šÅ'㠁„㠁 ª cutekawaii㠁‹ã‚ Ã£ â€žÃ£ â€ž cleanseiketsunaæ ¸â€¦Ã¦ ½â€Ã£  ª dirtykitanaiæ ±Å¡Ã£ â€ž fasthayai速㠁„ slowosoié â€¦Ã£ â€ž strongtsuyoiÃ¥ ¼ ·Ã£ â€ž weakyowaiÃ¥ ¼ ±Ã£ â€ž calmshizukanaé â„¢Ã£ â€¹Ã£  ª brightakarui明る㠁„ darkkuraiæšâ€"㠁„ newatarashiiæâ€" °Ã£ â€"㠁„ oldfuruiÃ¥  ¤Ã£ â€ž youngwakaiè‹ ¥Ã£ â€ž hotatsui暑㠁„ coldsamuiÃ¥ ¯â€™Ã£ â€ž far, distanttooié   Ã£ â€ž nearchikaiè ¿â€˜Ã£ â€ž

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

If Only Writers Put the Word Only in the Right Place

If Only Writers Put the Word Only in the Right Place Read the following two sentences quickly. They mean the same thing, right? Now go back down and read them again, more carefully this time.Susan only submitted the manuscript of her novel to three literary agencies.Susan submitted the manuscript of her novel to only three literary agencies.Ever hear of a misplaced modifier? The term encompasses many possible grammatical errors, but essentially, a misplaced modifier is a descriptive word or phrase that is not placed next to the noun or other word it modifies, thereby creating either awkwardness in reading or incorrect syntax, or both. In this article, Im going to briefly tell you about one of the most common examples, one that is a pet peeve of mine and of copy editors everywhere: the use and misuse of the simple word only.This is one of those grammar rules that most people (including yours truly) very often dont follow in speech or in informal writing. In speech, the incorrect usage is probably even more common than the correct usage: ask yourself if, when speaking, you would be more likely to say the first sentence or the second sentence above. The first, right? Be honest, now. For this reason, it is an error that needs editing in every single manuscript that comes across my desk, even those by the most experienced and published authors. Too picky, you might say- but remember: formal, professional writing isnt the same as speech, and a construction that might not sound awkward in speech or look awkward in an e-mail isnt necessarily the most effective way to frame a sentence in fiction (or in any other formal writing). Being picky sometimes means being a professional.The sentences above, if you read them out loud, might have the same meaning to your ear. But a closer look on the page reveals that their meanings are vastly different. The most important thing to keep in mind when writing- after, you know, stuff such as spelling words correctly and creating an effective plot and characters- is to never confuse your readers. This doesnt mean you should never intentionally mislead the reader of your mystery novel into thinking the wrong person did it, or leave ambiguous the ending of your thriller in order to leave room for a sequel. It means that the meaning you are trying to convey within each word, each sentence, is never in question when you dont intend it to be. If it is, readers become distracted from the world of your book (or story, or essay), and youve lost their attention.The first sentence in my example, Susan only submitted the manuscript of her novel to three literary agencies, does not convey the authors intended meaning. Why? Because only precedes the word submitted, which is not the word it is meant to modify. As written, the sentence tells us that Susan did nothing but submit her manuscript to three literary agencies. She didnt submit it to publishers. She didnt enter it into writing contests. She didnt have it bound and engraved. (Dont do that, by the way, if youre planning to send your own manuscript to anyone.) In fact, if were reading the sentence very strictly, she didnt do anything else at all but submit. She didnt even get out of bed and brush her teeth that morning. She only submitted.Now look at the second sentence, Susan submitted the manuscript of her novel to only three literary agencies. Aha! Do you get the difference? Susan submitted to only three literary agencies. This construction leaves no room for doubt. She didnt submit to any fewer or any more agencies than three. Period. This construction is not only clearer, but it also emphasizes more strongly the sentences significance to whatever story its a part of: namely, that Susan didnt submit her manuscript to very many agencies. This simple rearrangement of words eliminates ambiguity and improves clarity and specificity.But its not only about clarity. After all, most people would probably understand what you meant if you wrote the first sentence. But isnt there something a little more eleg ant, a little more professional about the second sentence? If you agree, do this exercise. It wont take you long to complete it, and your computer will help. Go through your entire manuscript right now, and do a global search for the word only. Make sure, in each instance, it appears, that its in the proper place within the sentence. If not, fix it. Now was that so hard? And I guarantee that after doing this exercise, my little tip will stick in your mind, and the next work you write will use only correctly much more often. But since, as I said, its a mistake thats generally accepted in speech, its a mistake easily overlooked in writing. So always keep your eyes open for it.The proper placement of the word is not always as clear-cut as it is in my examples at the top, and there may be instances where moving only to immediately before or after the word it modifies makes your sentence read awkwardly. As always with grammar rules, use your judgment and tailor this one to your own work and to each sentence within that work. But if you ever see that the sentences clarity is in doubt, this is an easy way to eliminate that doubt while making your writing that much more professional and elegant.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Court case convictions because of fingerprints Essay

Court case convictions because of fingerprints - Essay Example Fingerprinting has been proved to be immensely beneficial to investigators all over the world to nail murders, thieves and law abusers based on latent fingerprints unknowingly left by the perpetrators or criminals. DNA fingerprinting is proved to be the best flawless identification system and as such it has played a pivotal role in solving many controversial court cases such as the Farrow case, Thomas Jennings case, The Mona Lisa case, and the Brandon Mayfield case. There have also been instances in history where DNA fingerprinting error has caused innocent persons to be treated as culprits as in the case of Brandon Mayfield. This paper analyses these four cases in detail to see why DNA fingerprinting was so important in these cases and in doing so the paper also seeks to explore the various advantages of DNA fingerprinting. The Farrow case involving the Stratton Brothers was the first case determined by DNA fingerprinting in London. On March 27, 1905 Thomas Farrow was found dead in his paint shop and a few days later his wife, Ann also died. Even though robbery was identified as the motive for the crime it was very difficult for the Scotland Yard men to make any quick progresses in the case. Two masks were discovered from the spot and the Scotland Yard after their preliminary investigation identified the murderers as the Stratton brothers- Albert and Alfred Stratton. However, there were no solid evidence against the brothers rather than circumstantial evidences and the description given by milkman Henry Jennings. It is at this juncture that a clear fingerprint on Farrow's cash box found in the shop became crucial. The fingerprint was thoroughly examined by detective inspector Charles Collins, one of the founding members of the Scotland Yard's Fingerprint Branch in 1901. He ‘rolled their fingers on the inkpad’ and â€Å"the fingerprint on the tray matched Albert's right thumb to perfection† (Gurdoglanyan, 2011). Collins played a crucial role in convincing the jury of the points of similarities among the fingerprints. The trial history of the case makes it clear that the brothers could have escaped capital punishment if the fingerprint evidence could not be proven. During the trial, the milkman could not identify the Stratton brothers and the fingerprint evidence was ‘the prosecution's only solid evidence’ in the case (Fingerprint evidence is used to solve a British murder case, 2012). Thus, this DNA fingerprinting proved to be crucial in the case and both the brothers were convicted as murderers. The Thomas Jennings case was the first case to be determined based on fingerprint evidence in the United States. The case of Thomas Jennings took place in 1910 and the fingerprint testimony played a crucial role in the final verdict of the murder case. Mr. Hiller was shot dead during his combat with the murderer, Thomas Jennings in 1910. The fact that Jennings had left four fingerprints of his left hand on the rai lings at the rear kitchen window through which he entered the home of the Hillers became a solid evidence and turning point in the case. During the trial, fingerprint expert William M. Evans of the PDBI could prove beyond doubt that the fingerprints on the railings belonged to Jennings alone and this prompted the appeal court to affirm the verdict of the jury to offer him capital punishment

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Vocational Ministry Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Vocational Ministry - Research Paper Example This good progress has suffered in recent times however, from a growing lack of funds to provide the extra accommodation and equipment that these students need. Financial crisis at Federal government level has seen budgets cut, while schools have to jump over more and more complex hurdles to achieve compliance with any number of new rules. This paper explores this issue of the lack of funding for special educational needs, showing how students’ theoretical rights are not being respected, and what the consequences of this are. It examines the reasons why funding is not forthcoming, and what responses have already been tried. Finally it suggests a creative Christian response to the problem through building closer local linkages between churches and schools. The theoretical rights of students with special needs Most people, if asked directly what they think of special needs education, would support the idea that children should be educated according to their actual needs. There i s no problem with the idea of providing this service and all public schools no doubt have every intention of delivering this to best of their ability. There is, an issue, however, which colors the debate on how best to deliver the rights that children with special needs have for an education tailored to their specific situation: â€Å"Many of the debates circulating around the concept of inclusion focus less on the children and more on ideology, legal issues or practical ramifications involved. At the heart of much of this discussion lies the issue of money: to what extent is special education defined, or even driven, by financial considerations?† (Osgood, 2008, p. 127) The tighter the financial situation is, the more people push special needs to the edge, and this is the problem that needs to be addressed. The actual deficit in the delivery of students’ rights It is very difficult to measure the extent of student special educational needs, or the level of the gap betw een what is required and what is actually delivered. One of the reasons for this is that the definition of this category has not been constantly applied over time and across the different states of America. Other reasons include the fact that some special educational needs are more difficult to identify than others, and some vocal pressure groups demand more resources for selective types of educational need (Farrell, 2012). In my experience there is a good system in place for special needs, but the biggest problem is caused by delays in moving from one stage of the process to the next. If a student is diagnosed as needing a particular intervention, or access to particular accommodation, or tuition from a particular member of staff, very often there is simply not the capacity to provide what everyone agrees is necessary. The aspirations of the system cannot be delivered because the funds are capped but the student diagnoses are not. Consequences of the lack of resources for students and for schools The consequences of the lack of resources for students can be very serious indeed. Students only have a limited amount of time in each grade, and every week that passes while they wait for whatever service they need is a precious learning opportunity that has been lost. I have witnessed many parents in tears because schools cannot provide their child with suitable